Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11, 2016 - B2B (Back To Bucket)

                                    Sister Chagas, Courtney, Sister Helm and a local ostrich

Hey guys!

6 months on the mish aka I’m singing sunrise sunset like dad always played and mom always cried. jk. People always say it passes fast but I’m still kinda waiting for that to kick in... haha. The sisters here made me a surprise cake and sang the happy birthday song in Portuguese and even had these crazy sparking candles on it that I think are illegal in America. So it was great!

This week was full of new stuff for me. For one thing, I had my first splits with one of the sisters I live with. Turns out splits aren’t so bad. You just kinda teach like normal, pray for what the sister is needing to hear right then, then you just let the spirit guide you and turns out you say everything that she was needing to hear as a new American missionary in Brasil so it all turned out okay. This week I’ll get to go to Itabaiana to do splits with the sisters there yaaay!! I’m excited to get to go back there for a bit. 

Oh yeah we are officially B2B here in Estancia, well technically we have been since I got here because our washing machine is broken here too. I heart buckets people! Still hoping somehow my clothes are actually getting clean and not just sitting in stinky dirty water... oh well.

Also this week we got a new companion, Sister Chagas! She got transferred from Maceio and now she’s here with us until the end of the transfer. She’s from Rio and pretty cool. But now I am officially the big weenie on campus because she has a year on the mission too and actually knows Portuguese like Sister Helm and likes to take charge so I’m working on making myself stand up and be heard. These people will listen to me and they will like it!

The problem we´re having with our investigators isn’t that we have no one to teach, we´ve moved on from that, but it’s that no one really wants to progress with our lessons. This is our problem: all of our investigators want to be baptized, already accepted it, but don’t want to go to church.... so something is missing here. I feel like it should be the opposite problem haha. 

It’s funny how you get to learn a lot about the saviors life here on the mission, not just because you study a lot about it, but because you’re kinda living a small part of it. We´ve been working with a man named Cleonancio for a few weeks who has a really hard time with going to church, but again wants to be baptized and be a part of the church of christ. so all this week every day we saw him and he said ´´I’m going to church with you guys!´´ and then we went to pick him up and walk with him Sunday morning and he was getting ready to go fishing with his buddies... I could have been filled with a lot of anger at him but instead it was more of a deep hurt and disappointment. After all we´d done for him, all the paths we’d prepared for him, all he had to do was walk to church, and he deliberately chose to do something else. It’s a sad day when I have to tell a grown man on the street that he is telling god that fishing is more important to him than our heavenly father is. I was thinking of all the times the lord reaches out to us, gives us commandments to help and guide us and warn of danger, who often times ´´comes to our house´´, tired, weary, sweaty and frustrated, metaphorically and invites us to come with him, and we just tell him we don’t have time, or don’t need him, and how sad that is for our savior. Sometimes it’s really sad seeing the people here negate their potential or not understand the one true plan that is available to them, but I am learning a great love for my savior here. And I’m grateful I can be here to show him that I am trying to do all I can to heed to his counsel when he invites us ´´come follow me´´. So that is my thought for the week! I know our savior lives and loves each one of us and knows how to help us during our trials, because he already passed through them!

I love you guys. Have a great week!

Sister Walker

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